Some info-->>>> My personal information

 I am doing now typing practice. I learned touch typing from typing   Also, I have added sound to my keyboard by using mechvibes. I   am also learning C  programming from code with harry via tutorials.

 My  email id is :


        I don't know why mechvibes is not responding. I have downloaded it from the app is not responding at all.

        The name of the institution in which   I am now studying is Shahjalal University of Science and Technology usually known as SUST. It is basically located at Sylhet and Sylhet is a beautiful city. 

        I am studying in the CSE department of SUST. SUST  CSE is famous in BD because of  ICPC results,pipilika, googler and cracking MNC by their students, etc.

Pipilika's details:

    It is the country's first Bangla search engine developed by the Computer Science and Engineering students of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh as a thesis project.[1] It can search both in Bengali and English language. Pipilika is the country's first and only search engine that can search both Bangla and English
